Member benefits
Benefits of becoming a member
You will receive the Society’s publications, which include:
- The guide to growing: Enjoy Sweet Peas.
- The Society’s Annual, published in April, which contains a vast amount of information and absorbing articles contributed by experts and ordinary growers.
- Bulletins, issued in February and November, on seasonal topics including aspects of culture, discussion on varieties, current debates.
- Details of the Society’s Exhibitions and competitive show classes.
- The Classification List: details of all commercially available Spencer. Old Fashioned, Modern Grandiflora, Semi Grandiflora varieties, and the year’s Novelties.
You will be eligible to show at the Society's National Shows and always welcomed and helped if you exhibit.
Join now!
Membership means you will become friend to a host of other members, some world famous, many just keen and enthusiastic growers, but all sincerely pleased to meet you at various Meetings, Lectures and Shows.
In addition, you will be able to turn to experts for helpful advice and a ready response to your queries.